About Us
Green Gaming proposes a virtual exchange on the challenge of climate change that uses games and gamification to enhance the green, digital, and soft skills of participants and prepare them for addressing the challenges of the 21st century.
Gaming can help finding solutions to big problems. Through game design, we can address challenges, consider different points of views and constraints, and find solutions that can be implemented in real-life contexts.
LTU has already implemented similar projects and processes for designing games related to SDGs. But gaming is not only for gamers. Gaming is something we all experience in our lifetime and that attracts many, especially amongst young people. A game-based learning approach is therefore accessible to anyone, appropriate to attract young people - also those not included in traditional education - and to engage them in intercultural settings on big challenges like climate change.
Notably, a game-based approach is particularly appropriate for enhancing soft skills like: teamwork, collaboration, leadership, creativity. For these reasons, the project aims at developing, testing and disseminating a game-based methodology for enhancing 21st century skills and contributing to address 21st challenges like climate change. A game-based approach uses the mechanism of gaming in non-gaming contexts, like training. Gamification is already used by LTU in face-to-face classes to promote participation and interaction and is now tested in a digital setting with this project.
Gamification is used in:
- Interactive Open Online Courses (iOOC): the more you interact, the more points you get
- Online Facilitated Dialogues (OFDs): groups will be facilitated using a toolbox that makes use of gamification
- GAME JAMs: this is the place to design a game that addresses the challenge of climate change